Leveling up your Slime comes with many benefits, including stronger base stats and spiffy new buffs. However, it may be confusing to some players how the leveling system works. In this article, I will show you how you can level up your Slime so your favorite Slime can get stronger.
Where is the menu to level up your slime?

The leveling up menu is actually not very clear to get to. On the bottom of the interface, click on the blue slime icon tab, then click on the green button that says “Change Character”. This will bring you to a bunch of slimes that you have currently unlocked, including the primary slime that you are using, the level that it is currently, and all the owned effects that you have.
At the bottom of this window, you’ll see the buttons “Equip” and “Enhance” with numbers below it. In order to level up your Slime, you must click on “Enhance” and feed it experience shards. The higher your level, the more experience shards you will need to level up your slime.
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Where can I find experience shards in Legend of Slime to level up my Slime character?
In order to get experience shards, you will need to mine for them. Go to the main screen, and click on the fourth tab at the bottom that looks like a castle. On the last box at the bottom, press the “Mine” button. Keep in mind that this feature will need to be unlocked before you can use it.

When you’re mining, you may come across some tiles that look like a couple of blue, broken rocks (see the yellow circle in the image above). These are Experience Shards. They appear randomly as you are mining. These are valuable since you need them to level up your slime, so collect as much of these as possible.
Once you use up all your pickaxes, simply go back to the Leveling window and use your experience shards to level up your Slime.
What is the max level a Slime can be?
The max level for Slimes is Level 150. You only need Experience Shards until level 100. Afterward, you will also need Tear of Slimes. Leveling your slime past 100 is a great idea since Slimes unlock additional attack %. Every time you promote your Slime, you get an additional 70%, up to five times. In total, if you max out a Slime level at 150, you can get an additional 350% of attack, along with the other base owned effects.
How do you get Tear of Slimes?

Tear of Slimes are very rare. They can be found in the Promotion Shop, in the Limited Event shop, unlocked from quests, and be retrieved from random GM messages (always check your inbox!).
Conclusion: Leveling up your Slimes make you stronger!
Don’t hesitate to level up your other slimes even if you’re not using them. All your slimes benefit from the effects of upgrading slimes, so spend those experience shards!